GINJI is an animated comedy adventure series about a teenager horse, Ginji and her friends: Varona the Crow and a backpack named UB7!
Ginji’s dream comes true when she lands a job as a courier at Cade Express, Cade City’s main economic hub. (Think Amazon or Boeing in Seattle.) From then on, her every delivery turns into an exciting new adventure.
The principal aim of the Series is to help children imagine a world where kindness and cooperation, adventure and friendships define and shape priorities. Friends help each other overcome obstacles. They support and uplift each other and together they make their world a better place for all.
I walk faster than you read!
One day Ginji encounters the Spirit of her great-great-great-… ghost named Nigista. Ginji’s ethereal, if slightly kooky, ancestor warns that the very existence of their universe is at stake. Only Ginji can save it from eminent doom.
Problem is, Nigista can’t remember what will happen, how or when. Now it’s up to Ginji and her friends to find the missing pieces in time and save the world.
Voice actress, most notable as "Mandy" and "Major Doctor Ghastly" on Cartoon Network programs, as well as "Vicky" and "Princess Azula" on Nickelodeon programs.